Our Mission

The Global Center for Climate Justice is a nonprofit multidisciplinary research and networking think tank dedicated to advancing a more transformative politics that addresses the root causes of the climate crisis and social injustices of all kinds. To achieve this goal, we are focused on popular education, conducting original research, movement networking, consulting and outreach. We take an intersectional approach in our work, analyzing the linkages between class exploitation, systemic racism, gender oppression, and political domination.

Photo Credit toTania Malrechauffe/unsplash

The Center is Home to

The Green New Deal Resource Hub

The Center's GND Resource Hub is a website and network that grassroots activists, city officials, and local policy practitioners can rely on as they craft their own Green New Deal inspired urban plans and policies.

Featured Report

Federal Funding for Climate Justice

Our comprehensive analysis of the Inflation Reduction Act, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Justice40, and how to leverage these federal funding opportunities to advance climate justice.

Our Philosophy

The last 60 years of climate and social justice activism have underscored two fundamental truths. The first being that reactive reforms are not enough to arrest cycles of corrosive disadvantage and domination. Invariably any oppressive system becomes so untenable over time it requires transformation from the ground up – a total reimagining of what is possible rooted in an acknowledgement of historical facts. The second being that if we are divided, individualized or isolated, we can be suppressed. Now as in the past, political, economic and social power are unsustainably and indefensibly concentrated.

To be successful in implementing structural transformation, movements must come together to coordinate and support one another in order to reclaim our power, restore the rights of peoples and nature, and bend the arc of history towards justice for all.

Photo Credit toMatteo Paganelli/unsplash

Featured Article

Voter Suppression and the Polluter  Complex

The right to vote is not only a time honored and celebrated tradition, but one of our most sacred and fundamental rights as citizens.

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Our Approach

The important question of our time is not what are the problems we face? but how do we envision solving them in a truly liberating way? We cannot be paralyzed by analysis. It is our responsibility in this age to envision and pursue what we can create together that is better. The Center’s approach to this question is to start with an intentionally intersectional analysis of an issue, show how it reveals the need for emancipatory alternatives, and ultimately to lift up specific but transformative changes that are both possible and deeply revolutionary.

Photo Credit toLara Jameson/pexels

The Green New Deal
Resource Hub

The Center's GND Resource Hub is a website and network that grassroots activists, city officials, and local policy practitioners can rely on and reference as they craft their own Green New Deal inspired urban plans and policies.

The Federal Funding Primer
on Climate Justice

Our comprehensive analysis of the Inflation Reduction Act, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Justice40, and how to leverage these federal funding opportunities to advance climate justice.

Voter Suppression and the Polluter Industrial Complex

In this landmark report, we detail how corporate assault on American democracy and the climate are connected, and the steps we can take to counteract the threats of election subversion and voter suppression.

A Green New Meal
on Factory Farming

This report highlights how factory farming in the United States is a major driver of climate change and environmental injustice, and details what a shift toward regenerative farming and a more equitable agricultural system could look like.

The Global Center for Climate Justice is a nonprofit multidisciplinary research and networking think tank dedicated to advancing a more transformative politics that addresses the root causes of the climate crisis and social injustices of all kinds. To achieve this goal, we are focused on popular education, conducting original research, movement networking, consulting and outreach. We take an intersectional approach in our work, analyzing the linkages between class exploitation, systemic racism, gender oppression, and political domination.

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