Our comprehensive analysis of the Inflation Reduction Act, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and Justice40.

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A week after assuming office in 2021, the Biden administration issued Executive Order 14008, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, establishing the Justice40 Initiative. In the year and a half that followed, two additional major pieces of federal legislation were also passed: the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), also known as “the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law” (BIL). Cumulatively, these once-in-a-generation federal investments provide trillions of dollars for needed infrastructure improvements, clean energy projects, climate resilience, transit upgrades, and much more.

Their rollout has been rapid in an effort to both fund critical investments as soon as possible, and to disburse the money before the 2024 elections. An unprecedented level of opportunity exists to leverage these federal investments for climate justice, to transition our workforce towards clean energy, and to build more sustainable communities. But there is also significant risk that this funding could entrench our dependence on fossil fuels if our cities, Tribes, community-based nonprofits, and other entities eligible to participate in programs are left out. 

We created this funding Primer because we believe that by explaining these programs, answering key concerns, and directing our communities to the best funding resources that exist we enable them to leverage these funding opportunities to advance their climate, environmental, and economic justice goals. In order to elevate a shared understanding of the climate compromises baked into these investments, we also explore specific criticisms of each law, sharing concerns raised by the climate and environmental justice movements. We have summarized many of the most helpful resources for staying up-to-date on the latest federal funding developments and opportunities, and collected examples from across the nation of model funded programs. We share tips on how to access federal funding, where to find technical assistance, and assess the potential impact on future funding posed by federal politics and the upcoming election. In the final pages of this report, you will find our takeaways as we evaluate the rollout of these historic funding opportunities.

Download the Executive Summary

Photo Credit toNathalia Segato

This first edition of the Primer represents our sincere effort to make the most accurate and up-to-date information on federal funding opportunities and initiatives readily understandable, and to ensure the best resources are within reach. We welcome your feedback and corrections so we can make these resources as helpful as possible to the movement. In the interest of ensuring this information is shared, if you would like to summarize, reprint, or republish aspects of this report, we are very happy to work collaboratively with you. Please be in touch: info@climatejusticecenter.org

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