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February 24, 2025
LA is on Fire

LA is on fire and it hurts because the blame of climate change is passed around like a flaming rock until it burns all of our hands and we say with remorse, “We should’ve tried harder and we should’ve cared more.”

February 24, 2025
The Black Resilience Network

The Black Resilience Network is a coalition of Black practitioners, researchers, businesses, towns, and community organizations. We are a collective care, action, and impact community with over 100 members across 23 states.

February 24, 2025
How Climate Crises Wake Us Up: A Lesson from my Hometown to Yours

Climate action becomes meaningful when we collectively realize that acting in environmental ways is the only way forward to preserve our present. Until each of us feels our individual well-being is threatened, we may continue to argue about our differences while overlooking our common need to protect our environment.

February 24, 2025
LA Wildfires Show Us Why We Need a UBI for Climate Justice

As Californians continue to deal with the fallout from one of the most deadly and destructive wildfires in US history, how the government responds to individual losses will be a defining factor in enabling a just recovery. This is where a Universal Basic Income (UBI) — a guaranteed, unconditional cash payment to all individuals regardless of their income — can help.

What the Second Trump Presidency Means for Climate Justice

Can the future of the environment and climate be saved during a Trump II Presidency, especially for those likely to suffer the most? We can point to five areas at risk and why these priorities are crucial for the health and climate protection of historically vulnerable or marginalized groups as well as for ensuring that the green transition prioritizes their needs.

Workers Justice is Climate Justice: The Benefits of Moving to a 4 Day Work Week

The 4-day work week (4DWW) gives us the opportunity to increase productivity, efficiency, lower carbon emissions, and raise worker morale. By implementing this practice into our society, we can create a healthier, happier, and more sustainable world.

News Article
Securing A Just Electricity Transition for India

Scetti is a country-wide dashboard focusing on state-level data related to electricity in India. Its dashboard of actionable data sets and catalogue of policies can provide policymakers, legislators, and civil society actors with data-driven insights while formulating a just strategy to shift India toward clean electricity.

What's Guiding Us in 2023

This year you will find our staff at the Center building deeper connections with our national and international networks of climate justice advocates. We hope you’ll join us in these endeavors!

Calling All Green New Deal Advocates! (GND Survey)

Help us support your work to advance Green New Deal or GND-aligned campaigns and policies by taking our brief survey.

The Long Road to International Climate Reparations

The road to climate justice is marred with unmet commitments and outright resistance. COP27 finally delivers on a long-overdue promise. We must now see it fulfilled.

Editor's Note
October 31, 2022
Issue 31 Editor's Note: What da Silva's Win Means for Brazil - And All of Us

After an incredibly close election and fear that right-wing incumbent President Bolsonaro would not accept defeat, the transition of power to newly elected former president Lula Da Silva, a win for the climate and for democracy.

News Article
October 31, 2022
The Heat is On in China and Europe

Climate disasters all over the world are exposing the fact that governments are not ready to deal with the effects of climate change.

Climate Action Update Archive

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