Road to a Green New Deal - Issue 21
March 22, 2022
Illustration by Annie Wolfond

Green New Deal for Transportation Report

The Climate + Community Project has just released their new report: A Green New Deal for Transportation. In the U.S., transportation is one of the biggest carbon polluting sectors, and transportation initiatives have historically disrupted communities and exacerbated social inequalities. While Biden’s recently passed Infrastructure and Jobs Act invests in public transportation initiatives, it also devotes resources to projects that would perpetuate reliance on fossil fuels, like highway expansion. To shift this dynamic, the Green New Deal (GND) for Transportation report provides timely policy recommendations to facilitate “a swift and just decarbonization of the transportation sector, a major expansion of public and active transportation” to ensure that the U.S. “provides safe, affordable, and convenient means of travel for all.” Read the report.

Green New Deal Resource Hub Website Updates

Looking for more Green New Deal resources? We have updated our Green New Deal Hub map to include additional information on global GND efforts. More resources have also been added, including The Climate Crisis is a (Neo)Colonial Capitalist Crisis report that analyzes green extractivism, the worsening climate refugee crisis, the rise of a racist right wing, and more. Also check out the Climate Resilience for Health Care and Communities which outlines what a climate-resilient health care system could look like.  

Climate XChange State Policy Dashboard

Climate XChange’s State Policy Dashboard serves as a great resource for state climate policy. The dashboard includes a policy tracker containing information on climate legislation passed in all 50 states and policy pages that list key resources and states’ approaches to climate policy. The policy page areas include: Climate Governance & Equity, Adaptation & Resilience, Electricity, Buildings & Efficiency, Transportation, Agriculture, and Industry, Materials & Waste Management.

Book Spotlight: A Left Green New Deal: An Internationalist Blueprint

A Left Green New Deal: An Internationalist Blueprint, written by members of the German left party Die Linke. They advocate for a Green New Deal that moves beyond simply creating green jobs in a capitalist society. The book provides a blueprint for systemic change and seeks to go beyond a domestic Green New Deal by articulating a GND from an international perspective.

Upcoming Event: Ithaca’s Green New Deal

Join Local Energy Advocates of Western Mass on Tuesday, March 15 at 7pm EST to hear more about Ithaca’s Green New Deal. The Ithaca Green New Deal was adopted by the City of Ithaca Common Council in 2019 “to address climate change, economic inequality and racial injustice.” To hear more about this ongoing project, register here